
India - Chukki Nanjundaswamy

Interview Details

  • PGA Affiliation: Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS)

  • Region: Asia - India

  • Language: English

  • Interviewee: Lesley Wood

  • Interviewer: Terry Dunne and Mags Liddy

  • Date: 2017

  • Bio: Chukki Nanjundaswamy has been actively participating in (Karnataka State Farmers Movement, or KRRS) for over 20 years. Her father who had founded the organization died when she was 23, and she decided to carry on the struggle which her father left behind. Since then, she has been actively involved in the farmers’ movement at the local level as well as at the national and international levels. She is now a member of the Presidential Council of the Karnataka State Farmers Movement and National Convener of the All India Coordination Committee of Farmers Movements and has worked as a member of the International Coordination Committee of La Via Campesina from 2004-2008. She is also heading the International Center for Sustainable Development called Amrita Bhoomi which means the Eternal Earth which also hosts the South Asian Agro-ecology School of La Via Campesina.

India - Yudhvir Singh

Interview Details

  • PGA Affiliation: BKU Farmers Organisation & National Coordination

  • Region: Asia - India

  • Language: English

  • Interviewee: Yudhvir Singh

  • Interviewer: Olivier de Marcellus

  • Date: 2022

  • Bio: Yudhvir Singh, of BKU farmers organisation, and the National Coordination. Yudhvir Singh has worked full time (but without salary!) as coordinator of the National Coordination and was seconded by the heads of the BKU, the leading farmer organisation of North India, for over 25 years.

z - Bangledesh - Adivasi Samity (Bangladesh Indigenous People's Association)

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Bangledesh - Krishok Federation

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Borneo - Indigenous Peoples' and Peasants Union

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - India - Indian Fisherman's Forum

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - India - Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha, (KRRS)

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - India - Narmada Bachoa Andolan

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - India - National Alliance of People's Movements & APVVU

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Indonesia - Federation of Indonesia Peasant Union (FSPI)

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Indonesia - Labour Solidarity of North Sumatra

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Indonesia - North Sumatra Peasant Union

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Indonesia - West Java Peasant Union

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Nepal - All Nepal Peasants Association

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Nepal - All Nepal Women’s Association Assembly of the Poor

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Nepal - General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Nepal - SEWA Nepal

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Nepal - South Asian Peasant's Coalition

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Sri Lanka - Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Thailand - Assembly of the Poor

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Thailand - Northern Farmers' Federation

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Thailand - Thai Labour Campaign

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Vietnam - Vietnam Farmers Network

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:

z - Vietnam - Vietnam Farmers Network

Interview Collection

To gather: This Archive is hoping to receive or collect interviews from various Asia organizations.

Overcoming Limitations

This project does not represent the full range of movements and activists involved in PGA. Like so many activist and research projects, this one is shaped by limited social networks and by resource imbalances and priorities within our global system.

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us info[@] We have interviews from just a few of the following organizations:


  • Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS), India
  • Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU), India
  • Narmada Bachoa Andolan, India
  • NAPM - National Alliance of Peoples Movements, India
  • AWAMI Committee Pakistan
  • Bangladesh Krishok Federation (BKF), Bangladesh
  • **Adivasi Samity (Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples’ Association)
  • All Nepal Women’s Association Assembly of the Poor, Nepal
  • All Nepal Peasants Association, Nepal
  • General Federation of Nepalise Trade Unions, Nepal
  • Sewa Nepal
  • South Asian Peasant’s Coalition, Nepal
  • Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR), Sri Lanka
  • Borneo Indigenous Peoples’ and Peasants Union (Panggau), Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • Federation of Indonesia Peasant Union (FSPI), Indonesia
  • Labour Solidarity of North Sumatra, Indonesia
  • North Sumatra Peasant Union, Indonesia
  • West Java Peasant Union, Indonesia
  • Assembly of the Poor, Thailand
  • Northern Farmers’ Federation, Thailand
  • Thai Labour Campaign
  • Vietnam Farmers Network

If you can help with contacts, interviews, or would like to participate in some other way, please contact us. We invite you to tell your stories and collect the ones you think need to be told. Despite the many gaps in this project, we present it with the intention of inspiring others and indicating a sample of the diversity of participation.

For more information and to get involved, please contact us pgaoralhistory.

pga en |

Interview Details

  • PGA Affiliation:
  • Region: Asia
  • Language:
  • Interviewee:
  • Interviewer:
  • Date:
  • Bio:
  • Transcript: Zbrati: Ta spletna stran je škrbina za snemanje intervjuja. | To gather: This web page is a place-holder stub for an interview. | Para recopilar: Esta página web es un esbozo para una entrevista.


Interviewer: bla-bla

Interviewee: la-la-la